by Erick Medrano

Strengthening Innovative Research Culture and Enhancing Partnerships and Linkages, two priorities in the five-point agenda of the Schools Division of Ilocos Norte (SDOIN) espoused by the superintendent Dr. Joann Corpuz were addressed as the SDO conducts the Strengthening Needs- Based Research for Master Teachers (Batch 1) in partnership with Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU), held at Filipinas East Elementary School, January 22-24.
The three-day Capability Training highlights the crafting of research proposals that can contribute in policy formulation and recommendation which will help transform educators to be agents of change in educating learners with 21 st century skills.
The said undertaking aims to strengthen the culture of research in the division in general, and to promote evidence-based decision making through research in particular. The speakers for the training are Regional BERF grantees from SDOIN and professors from MMSU headed by the dean of the College of Teacher Education Dr. Eliza Samson. βResearch plays a very important role in improving the delivery of basic education services. There is a strong need to meet the demands of time, and we can keep up through research. Let us then make research a way of life,β said Corpuz. She added that the division plans to conduct the same training to all the teachers in the division.
Dr. Samson said that they hope to strengthen the partnership between SDOIN and MMSU, not only in research but as well as in other aspects of the curriculum.
Batches 2 and 3 of the said training will be held on February 3-5 and February 11-13 respecttively.
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